
Sunday 16 March 2014

Putting the sunshine back into your life!

Its wonderful to finally have some sunshine.  I haven't seen Gadebridge Park in Hemel so busy in ages; families enjoying the weather, after the awful winter we've had.

The next few weeks are going to be really busy work wise, including the workshop I am running on Sunday to celebrate Spring Equinox.

Last Wednesday however saw the first Connecting to Spirit evening workshop at Enchanted Oak in the Old High Street Hemel Hempstead.  We spent time working with Archangel Raphael.  As you probably know he is a very powerful healing angel who has his own band of healing angels working with him. His energy is like a breath of fresh air.  Very interesting since he not only works with the heart chakra but also breath and breathing.

I spent time talking about the importance of proper grounding in your spiritual work and the root chakra.  This is an absolute essential if you are interesting in mediumship and clairvoyance.  You can't see clearly if you are not properly grounded. The energy around you can feel quite murky and heavy, because its easier to pick up on other people's negative thoughts and emotions if you are not properly grounded yourself. If this is the case,it's easy to go from feeling on top of the world to completely down in the dumps in seconds flat.

Although Eckhart Tolle has written some excellent books on the 'Power of Now', most of us find that extremely difficult considering the stresses and strains we have to put up with in life.  Sometimes, we are in such turmoil, maybe even shock, that we are no longer properly grounded, or 'with it'. When that happens to me I feel really woolly headed and then have to visualise roots growing out from the souls of my feet digging down into the earth.  This usually clears my head in seconds flat thank goodness.

Now the good news is that getting out in nature is perhaps the best and most effective way to bring yourself back down to earth and clearing your head.  Why not capitalise on it now that the sun's finally put in an appearance and just take note of just how much better you feel out in the fresh air.

We still have a couple of places left.  Details of the next workshop are at the top of this page.  By the way our work will include giving simple Angel Card Readings as well as Connecting to your loved ones on the other side of life.
It's great that the evenings of clairvoyance at Enchanted Oak have created such interest that many people want to move to the next stage and learn as much as possible about things Spiritual.  Look forward to seeing you there. Email me if you are interested 

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