
Friday 25 November 2011

The Field of your Dreams

The Field of your Dreams

I got out of bed this morning with the words 'field of your dreams' running through my head,  scrabbling for my note book to write them down before they disappeared from my mind forever. Experience has taught me that some of my best ideas and spiritual experiences happen as you surface from sleep every morning.  I also know that the idea's lost very quickly if I wait until I get down stairs, no matter how clear it might be at the time.

That's why I never use an alarm clock.  It's a bit like a slap in the face and puts me straight onto automatic pilot for the rest of the day. Giving yourself some extra time in the morning, or last thing at night if time really is too tight  can make all the difference to the day ahead of you. And the Field of your Dreams has now crystallised into this blog.

  • Create a path of light into the day ahead of you before you even set foot out of bed if possible. It really does make all the difference.
  • I create a circle which represents the day ahead of me.  It is important for you to create a personal space for you as an individual so that you won't be overwhelmed.
  • Connect to the Source energy and see light and unconditional love pouring down through your head and out of your heart directly into the space you have created.
  • This is a simple act of self-love which should help define the day in front of you. AND IT MAINTAINS YOUR CONNECTION TO YOUR SPIRIT.
  • This helps you use your time much more creativity and productively and yet with less effort.  Symbolically you have also created some space for YOU.
It really does make a difference to your day, and of course we are all worth it.

(Next workshop on 3rd. December to help you prepare for the new year ahead contact me to book or with any further enquiries)

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