
Sunday, 3 November 2013

Away with the Angels and Elementals

It's a wonderful life!

Away with the Angels:

There were so many cars on the road today taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine.

We don't get out and about very early usually on a Sunday morning, its nice to relax and take it easy, but we both started the day with a spring in our steps and decided to go over to Ashridge for a walk. The place was buzzing with people.  The forest floor was coated with a soft down of yellows, orange and reds. I love kicking my feet through the leaves, especially when the wind's dancing through the trees as well.

Having read William Blooms book 'Working with the Angels, Fairies and Nature Spirits, with a group of like minded friends, it wasn't long before I was aware, once again,  that there's so much more to life than we can see with our physical eyes. Take the Angels in the higher dimensions for instance or the devas and elementals who work with the natural world.  Everything is interconnected..

All the Angels and devas work closely with the blue print for life; this includes the seasons of course. Even in the deepest depths of winter, the devas are still working with a blue print which will eventually result in fresh buds and blooms pushing their way through the soil once more in Spring.  Just because we can't see anything happening and everything looks very drab it doesn't mean that nothing is happening. Life is magical and I agree with Wlliam Bloom when he says that we all need to be more aware of the magic that is life and live our lives from a slightly different perspective.

This reminds me that we too have our own unique blue print for the highest outcome in our own lifes and equally the Angels, Higher Guides as well as the elementals are all holding the energy for us,, trying to help us find our way. Although we may feel alone, we are always being helped along the way by an army of helpers including the Angels, Higher Guides and Helpers......and sometimes when we are outside and we are open enough to their magic we can sense them.

Have a wonderful week.