

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

One small step for mankind

One small step for mankind

It was a real effort for me to get out of bed this morning, I would have much rather stayed tucked safely under the duvet on this cold, grey overcast morning than tackle my Pilates class. Of course it was worth it in the end, and I finished the session feeling so much more uplifted and ready to get on with the rest of the day.

Actually it wasn't a cold, dark morning, but it may as well have been, even though the early morning sky still carried a hint of a nearly full moon high in the sky and the most beautiful robin flew to the window to say hallo. Inside I was growling and grumping and quite incapable of seeing any further than that; at least not to start with.

Attitude makes all the difference though.  Sometimes the day starts grey, no matter what colour the sky is outside. But it's what you do with the grey that's important. I can get into the very bad habit of comparing my efforts to those of everyone else around me. And I always come off worse, at least in my mind's eye.  But consider astronaut Neil Armstrong..  You know, 'One giant step for mankind' and all that,' as he bounded around on the rarified lunar service all those years ago. We all celebrated with him. Then of course it's easy to get into false comparisons. My efforts just aren't good enough.  We've all been there haven't we?

But how can you compare the effort it takes to take just one small step here in the much heavier atmosphere of our planet to that giant step taken up on the moon?  You can't! How can you compare your own journey to anyone else's around you.  You just can't!

 That first small step you take first thing in the morning, and the way you take it can make all the difference. Each morning we are brought to a new threshold in life which is defined by the way we approach it.

We all have a choice to make, go back to bed or take our first step of many for that day out into the world.

Chinese Sage Confucius said

The Journey of a Thousand Miles

Begins with the First Step.......

.....and the one after that.....

and then

the one after that.........

If you are at a cross roads in your life Gillian offers Life's Path readings to help Light up your own Path Inbox her


  1. This is inspiring Gillian. I will certainly try to remember this when a morning seems less than welcoming. I certainly think everyone is better, kinder and more worthy when I see their achievements, but perhaps I can contribute to my day and theirs by giving the new day some thought. Thank you as always for sharing your wisdom. xx

  2. I think we are all very guilty of doing that Pam, but you really have a gift for writing poetry and no-one can write it the way you do. We are all individuals with something to say, if only we dare to share!!!

  3. I think we are all very guilty of doing that Pam, but you really have a gift for writing poetry and no-one can write it the way you do. We are all individuals with something to say, if only we dare to share!!!
