
Sunday, 16 June 2019

Creative Butterflies

Are you a creative butterfly too?
A look at Archangels role in the creation process 

I'm a bit of a creative butterfly it seems, full of ideas and inspirations but not certain which one to settle on. 
I can flit from one idea to another, without too much to show for it at the end of the day.  Does any of this sound familiar? 

Fortunately, from my work with the Angels I know they're always on hand to keep me on track. I trust their energy. It gives me a deep sense of peace and purpose, because it plugs me straight into my Souls Purpose

So cue my magical walk in Ashridge Forest, where the Angels and Elementals provided me with just the signpost I'd been looking for. 

This is the pivotal shot [above] which got me thinking in an entirely different way. Can you see the triangle, too? It's sitting on top of the trees' roots? I have to admit I was quite surprised when I saw it, because it was meant to capture sunlight dappling through the trees! When I looked again, I saw a stylised butterfly.  Do you see the wings?

 But the bit which really caught my imagination was its tip.  This, I believe is a prompt from Archangel Michael to look at the way I ground things, or not. The triangle was of course pointing towards the trees roots, and on down into Mother Earth.

Now remember, we're moving into a Brand New Paradigm here on Earth, one that is based on unconditional love rather than fear. So if we're dithering because we dont know which way to go, doesnt it make sense to focus on the idea closest to your heart, rather than the  safest option. 

The number one rule in manifestation of any kind is to create the necessary space to welcome in the stuff of your dreams.  
So the space you are creating is
  loving rather than  fearful.

 Michael's beautiful energy, 
 plugs you straight in to the creative energy
 underpinning the entire Universe:
 unconditional love.

 At the same time it helps us remember we are Souls first and foremost, on a mission to grow  and extend ourselves by bringing in new wisdom. 

But here's the thing,  how much room you give yourself is crucial. You cant create positive change from the space you are already inhabiting. It's too small and inhibiting. Think of the triangle tip as a seed. It may not take up much room to start with, but it sure needs plenty of space to grow into a mature tree. 
 So, any new space has to be bigger than your existing one. 

Your Soul's been feeding you with all these original ideas, thoughts and inspirations, so it's finally time to stick your head above the parapet, right? But in order to bring them into form, Michael's energy will help by releasing past ties and limitations, so you are working from a higher platform. 

Angelic Reiki helps us understand, everything in the entire universe is connected to everything thing, including the Angels. In her book 'Angelic  Reiki published by Balboa, she suggests we invoke Michaels presence by intoning his name three times to help cut ties, with the intention to release the past to create the new.

Try chanting
                      MEEK...... EYE.. ELL
                      MEEK...... EYE.. ELL

three times, becoming aware of the peaceful and loving energy it creates to release past fears and limitations to bring you into the present moment. 

This chant works on so many levels, manifesting a clear, light energy which keeps me on track. 

It's as if I'm resting peacefully in the eye of the storm.

 It creates a better balance between the being and doing elements in myself, 
reminding me to let go and trust that everything is unfolding just the way it should. 

Reminds me that while I imay feel isolated and alone 
Im an integral part of the whole Universe. 

Everyone has something important to share,and its time we stepped forward. 

No exception

Angels and the Medicine Wheel 
Thursday 20th June 2019     7pm to 10pm
Slip End Spiritual and Healing Centre,
Peter Edwards Hall
Slip End
nr Luton LU1 4BJ

Angels and the Medicine Wheel
Saturday October 5th 2019  11.30 am to 5pm
St. Albans Spiritualist Church
40 Granville Road
St. Albans AL 1 5BQ

Angelic Reiki Attunements

Angelic Reiki is a system of Healing channelled through Kevin Core in 2002/3 from Archangel Michael.  It traces its roots back to ancient Egypt. AR 1 & 2 and offers two attunements to the Angelic Kingdom, one to the Archangels, and four healing modalities. 6 maximum per cost for your comfort.

Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 Attunements
Hemel Hempstead
 Friday 27th September 20197.30 to 9.30pm
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September 10.15 to 4.15pm approximately
includes your own manual, certificate and Angelic Reiki crystal

Angelic Reiki 3 & 4 Attunements  Master Level
Hemel Hempstead
Friday 22nd February 2019 7.30 to 9.30pm
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th February 10.15 to 4.15pm approximately

Angelic Reiki Practitioners 2020, please enquire

Angelic Reiki Master Teachers, 2020 please enquire