Estoril PortugalFULL MOON IN VIRGO
Getting down to the real nitty gritty
The moon is always associated with the sea and its powerful tides. That's why I love being beside water and the sea in particular because it brushes the cobwebs out of my hair. The Full Moon is associated with letting go of what no longer serves us, and its the last one before the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere: the ending of one cycle so that another one can begin. For us in the north, as we move towards Spring, more and more buds are pushing themselves out of the earth up towards the growing sunlight. Life begins to shine brightly once more but we do have to create the space for these new buds in our lives.
Virgo, is very much associated with the Sacred and the Priestess and your Intuition in particular. I have been using this window to concentrate on detail and to sort some of my computer files out.But its not been without its trials. The Priestess can be a hard task mistress, but the rewards are great if you stay focused on the chosen task. She stands at the gateway between the inner and outer realms, and so understands the importance of taking stock of your life to release things and any clutter that no longer serves you. She also asks us to embrace the unknown as our friend rather than enemy.
You may also find that your dreams are really intense at this time. Some of them could be prophetic dreams, but the Priestess also works with the unconscious to help you release past emotions. I certainly find I have some really graphic dreams at this time of the year. Ones that take me completely by surprise. Nonetheless its worth sitting down and taking time to decipher their meaning because it could make all the difference between success and far as achieving your goals.
Cosmic Mysteries School
Patricia and Daniel Cardona, Directors of the Cosmic Mysteries Schools also work with the energy of the full moon, and are offering a free download 52 Moon Calendar. Each full moon is associated with a particular sacred site. This months is the stone circle of Brogdar in the Orkneys. To download this Calendar go to. They are also offering a trip to the sacred Emerald Isles to visit New Grange and Tara, amongst others. This will be a time of sacred ceremony and working closely with the natural energies of these sites. Go to their site to download information about this trip.